grate game way better then first and there is a magic combo that = epic win
grate game way better then first and there is a magic combo that = epic win
Awsome BUT.....
Its a very good game heaps of fun BUT u need more stuff like upgrades by the time i finished the fire cup witch there is no cool little fire cup thing 4 i had every upgrade iam still going to finish the game but it would just be better if there where more upgrades along the way also the hook and gust r a little over powered some different planets would also be nice and some times ur enemy dose some overly stupid things but other then that its rather good also some customization would be good like being able 2 by ur guy diffrent stuff like hats and when he gets speed upgrades gets cool boots and stuff like that just to spice it up a bit not to mention maby a different weapon here and there..... any way yer grate game love it
i so want to get past 100 i just cant awesome game so simple but so good
really nice game
lol also u stoll my p p p p p p p p s i did that in one of mine lol
Omg lol
awesome game but so hard i got to level 24 yer its very good.. maby add some power ups or something that would be cool
hard lol
really good game i just cant freaking do it =( oh well
GOOD... but
ok this is a grate game... But holy crap i hate the stupid vampire thing i done the game on easy but the cheats i unlocked where crappy so.. i tried on the next level pretty dam easy until i got to that god dam vampire thing i just cant beat it plz some one tell me how it is really annoying me
it was realy good you should make like a RPG sort thing out of it
Xenu lol
lol Xenu was funny the Scientology god even thow its not realy a god lol oh well fun game i like it very smoth
wooo awsome
at first it was a bit hard/wird but once i had ny first run through i was right it was easy and i went relay well.... grate game play and look and whats with the pope lol
I am DrBeach
Age 33, Male
Joined on 11/8/07